
Here are the toots from my Mastodon account. If you’re into ham radio and technology this is a great inclusive server with an awesome mascot called Alex.

It's Alex! A soft brown mastodon holding a handheld radio in their right hand and carrying a blue bag over their shoulder

Alex, the mastodon.radio mascot

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Mosfet girl t-shirt: https://www.crowdsupply.com/open-music-labs/mosfet-girl

I really hope this does well, since it’s for charity and also awesome!


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JetBrains released their IDE font: https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/ it’s pretty nice!

I like the ligatures although speaking to my colleagues a lot of them really don’t (ligatures in general that is).

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Found a really (suspiciously?) cheap FT817 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B00OD1432I - £309.00


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It’s not currently in stock but this is a great price for “The Art of Electronics (3rd edition)” https://www.amazon.co.uk/Electronics-Winfield-Hill-Paul-Horowitz/dp/0521809266 £23.50!

I must have paid about £50 when I was an undergrad back in the 00s 😂

https://uk.camelcamelcamel.com/Electronics-Winfield-Hill-Paul-Horowitz/product/0521809266?active=price_amazon&context=home_popular confirmed!

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Got a lovely anodised red case for my new 60% keyboard. Really pleased with the effect!

A 60% keyboard. There are no function or arrow keys and there’s no number pad. Instead the keyboard is smaller.

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Slightly old news, but this business card which also runs linux is neat: https://www.thirtythreeforty.net/posts/2019/12/my-business-card-runs-linux/

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Today’s project was Cordwood Puzzle 1, a secret santa present from a good mate.

Just hard enough to complete without cheating! (although I should have left the leads longer to keep things symmetrical).

Oh, and Happy New Year all!

A squared note book with some large resistors and a narrow PCB on the top half of page. There are some notes and circuit diagrams on the bottom half.

A PCB in a clamp. There are three MOSFETs in a row along the top of the board, and a 6 pin header close to the camera.

The same PCB from the side. There’s a large LED on the bottom of the board and two resistors on the top. The resistors are connected with crocodile clips (to the positive supply rail which is not shown).

The completed puzzle: two PCBs, side-on, with 6 LEDs, 6 resistors on a plane parallel with the camera and another 6 behind. There are also standoffs connecting the boards and some jumpers running between them.

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I updated my website to use a different Hugo theme and switched comments to commento ( https://commento.io/) from disqus.

I also disabled google analytics (inspired by my instance buddies!).

Not 100% sure about the theme yet, and I see there’s a fair amout of link-rot, but it’s clean and quick. Oh, and @ https://hackerific.net

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Happy Holidays everyone!

Here’s hoping everyone gets a bit of quality time with some random projects 🥂

So far, I’ve repaired Dad’s PSU (it works!) and build a new 60% mechanical keyboard. Some info here: https://github.com/mattfoster/gh60-satan-keymap Fun times!

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