
Here are the toots from my Mastodon account. If you’re into ham radio and technology this is a great inclusive server with an awesome mascot called Alex.

It's Alex! A soft brown mastodon holding a handheld radio in their right hand and carrying a blue bag over their shoulder

Alex, the mastodon.radio mascot

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Just pulled a dead rectifier from Dad’s EP-925 PSU.

It’s basically identical to the PS-30M I have which I repaired last year when a pass transistor shorted. Chunky and hard to get inside but generally fairly simple.

Fingers crossed this is the only problem with it. 🤞

#hamradio #repair

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@carbontwelve Please add me to Ham Radio. #Trunk

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Forgot to mention I found the AirSpy HF repo on github: https://github.com/airspy/airspyhf

These tools work with the Airspy HF+ Discovery on the Pi and Mac, (although I did still need a windows box to update the firmware). They’re also not yet packaged on Debian, or in the official homebrew project.

I’ve not had much time to play, but I think airspyhf_rx should work a lot like the RTL tools.

Also, this blog has a lot of cool content, even though I can’t read it: spinorlab.matrix.jp/ja/page/3/


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Posted status:

Well that was depressing to wake up to!

Looking around for some interesting/good news, I’ve found:

https://github.com/jketterl/openwebrx – A fork of OpenwebRX with support for AirSpy HF+ ( https://groups.io/g/airspy/message/33180)

Also, someone put an ultrasonic transducer on an SDR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8z02pICisM So I could you could use this to make a bat detector? It’s super cool to hear the doppler shift.

#hamradio #amateurradio #sdr

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Put a fixed pulley on the top of my antenna pole last night, and added a section of conduit to keep the cord close to the pole.

Hopefully that’ll stop it jangling in the wind.

#hamradio #amateurradio

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Just got to work and took off my jumper…

I then touched my keyboard and got a massive static shock…

Which killed the USB port on my dock!

I wonder if the same thing would have happened to the computer if i was attached directly.

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Playing with the Airspy HF+ Discovery (or trying to). It works fine with GQRX but the airspy utils, like airspy_rx don’t work on my Pi or my Mac.

I think I need to update its firmware, but to do that I need to use Windows, so I’ll have to do it at work.

Also, since I can’t use the airspy tools I can’t even work out what firmware release it currently has! Frustrating!

#hamradio #sdr

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I just had a cheap AliExpress PL-259 patch cable fall apart in my hands. I guess you get what you pay for!

On the left is a section of coax cable. Stripped and with the braid showing. On the right is a PL-259 crimp plug which has a heat shrink tube still attached. The coax fell out as it wasn’t properly attached.

It was so badly crimped I was able to reuse the plugs and sleeves to make a new cable, with a slightly nicer bit of coax.

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Ordered various DIN connectors to try to hook the TNC-Pi to either my 706 or ft818.

I have a lot of random connectors but nothing that fits. I might also try using my data mode cables if I can work out what sort of adapters to make.

#hamradio #amateurradio #aprs #tnc-pi

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In case you missed it, WSJT-X

2.1.2 was released:


The release was hot on the heels of 2.1.1:


There’s not a lot of interesting content in the release notes but it’s always worth upgrading:


Downloads at: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html

#hamradio #amateurradio #ft8

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