
Here are the toots from my Mastodon account. If you’re into ham radio and technology this is a great inclusive server with an awesome mascot called Alex.

It's Alex! A soft brown mastodon holding a handheld radio in their right hand and carrying a blue bag over their shoulder

Alex, the mastodon.radio mascot

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CloudFlare will respond to DNS lookups on 2m FM. Awesome!

See birdsite: https://twitter.com/jgrahamc/status/1145383199297736704

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The PiJuice zero looks nice. It’s a UPS/battery management HAT for Pi Zero:


This might be a fun way to make a mobile GPS based clock or maybe an APRS module, if it’s stackable with the boards @M0YNG has.

Pi Supply is a UK company, so I expect they’ll be available direct eventually for us brits ( https://uk.pi-supply.com/collections/pijuice has some larger HATs for full sized Pi boards), but the shipping cost seems fairly reasonable.


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Posted status:

This “The RFzero™ board is an Arduino compatible GPS based Si5351A RF signal source” looks pretty cool: http://www.rfzero.net/

Cost is ~£60, so not bad.

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Just read about this simple SDR in June’s QST mag: https://www.i2phd.org/armradio/index.html

What a neat (and small) project!

#hamradio #SDR #stm32

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Ooh, just read that 2m crossed the Atlantic for the first time: https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/headlines/2019/06/21/2m-crosses-the-atlantic/

Naturally, everybody’s favourite FT8 was involved 😀

Looking forward to reading more about this.

#ft8 #hamradio #amateurradio

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Had fun at BSidesBristol today. Won a Pi 3B+! #infosec

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Finally got my Pi synced to the PPS pin on the GPS I plugged into it. It’s currently indoors with a small ceramic antenna, but works.

Software is gpsd and chrony, hardware is a cheap ublox board with a hirose u.fl connector and a patch antenna, soon to be replaced with a chinese outdoor antenna.

The Pi is a model b, configured to use the standard UART (ttyS0) not the better one (ttyACM0), but that might need to change.

I think it’ll be cool to add a little display with position/clock info.

Output of chronyc sources -v, showing various time sources. PPS0 is being used to set the system clock.

GPS information from a small python script. Included is time, latitude, longitude, maidenhead grid square a few other bits.

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Our stall at Westrally was busy! Manning it was good fun and stopped me buying too much junk.

Most interest was in G0VFS’ paddles but nobody bought them 💁🏼‍♂️

A table at Westrally, various bits of radio equipment and junk adorn the tables.

A home made iambic more key. The base is marble and the key is brass.

Another home made key. This is straight with a glass base.

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Looking forward to Westrally ( https://westrally.weebly.com/) tomorrow, in Frome.

I plan to help out on the T&DARC ( https://sites.google.com/view/tdarc/home) stall so it should be a fun day!

#amateurradio #hamradio

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Posted status:

Had a lot of fun on the club’s fox hunt last night. It was my first, so I basically went to see how it worked. My team failed (mostly due to a lack of decent gear I reckon) but I will know what to do next time! First on the list is getting my tape measure antenna working.

Looking forward to it!

#hamradio #amateurradio

Frank (G4YXS) holding a t shaped wooden antenna. The antenna is a dipole made of coax!

Whoops, that last but was supposed to be the image description. Not sure what I did there.

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