
Here are the toots from my Mastodon account. If you’re into ham radio and technology this is a great inclusive server with an awesome mascot called Alex.

It's Alex! A soft brown mastodon holding a handheld radio in their right hand and carrying a blue bag over their shoulder

Alex, the mastodon.radio mascot

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Boldport has a promotion on: https://twitter.com/boldport/status/1120700108524404736

Presumably this is part of the switch away from monthly subs that some of us discussed here last year ( https://boldport.com/blog/2018/10/18/boldport-club-is-changing)


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K1JT has just announced FT4, a new mode for digital contesting. Initial release in a week. Interesting stuff, it’s 2.5× faster than FT8 and super sensitive. https://sourceforge.net/p/wsjt/mailman/message/36646405/ (Let the hating begin!)

Docs @ http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/FT4_Protocol.pdf

#amateurradio #hamradio #ft8

… and plenty of grumpy old man moaning already 😀

Not seen any “it’s not real radio” yet, but it’s only a matter of time.

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Spent a while yesterday receiving SSTV images on 20m (14.230 MHz), some pretty scary and really interesting.

I don’t think anyone would deny that it’s a pretty weird way to communicate, super fun though. Next I need to work out how to TX with qsstv (but first, family stuff)!

#hamradio #amateurradio #sstv

A scary looking face with evil eyes and a menacinh grin. Text across the top reads CQ de OK1JMB. This is an SSTV CQ call.

A roughly triangular, brightly colour, orchid. Text across the top reads RN3DL ALEX KO85UV. Another line reads RN3DL CQ. This is another SSTV CQ call.

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The website layout is a little confusing, but this SWR analyser and WSPR TX looks fun: http://jackdev23.wixsite.com/iw2ndh-swr-analyzer

Out of stock but usually ~ €50 plus shipping, so not bad!

I also keep seeing people mention http://sp3nyr.itserwer.pl/index.php/arduino-swr-scanner and N1201SA a lot too. Lots of interesting (low cost?) options based on lots of platforms.

#hamradio #amateurradio #swr

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No signs of ISS passes for me for a while, but the latest SSTV even is starting shortly: https://ariss-sstv.blogspot.com/2019/03/april-2019-sstv-planning.html #sstv #hamradio

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Interesting news on the new Nvidia Jeston boards on the “other” site: https://twitter.com/F5OEOEvariste/status/1116368783982174208

These are small form factor machines with a load of GPU cores, and they look a bit beefier than RPis. Could be fun!

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This story about repairing the Salyut 7 space station is amazing: https://arstechnica.com/science/2014/09/the-little-known-soviet-mission-to-rescue-a-dead-space-station/

Found through an awesome colleague who I’ve yet to convince needs a #hamradio license. He’s heard too many “grumpy old man” stories and is a bit shy.

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Joined AMSAT-UK but managed to mistype my callsign on the application form! Whoops 😳

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Looks like there are more IIS #sstv transmissions ongoing: https://amsat-uk.org/2019/03/26/iss-sstv-transmissions-april-1-2/

Unfortunately there are (probably) no useful passes over the UK during the campaign: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/sightings/view.cfm?country=United_Kingdom&region=England&city=Bath but hopefully some other people on here will grab some images!

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Realising I don’t find DXing all that interesting, but I can see why people think getting to Bouvet is basically impossible!


I’m glad everyone is OK.

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