
Here are the toots from my Mastodon account. If you’re into ham radio and technology this is a great inclusive server with an awesome mascot called Alex.

It's Alex! A soft brown mastodon holding a handheld radio in their right hand and carrying a blue bag over their shoulder

Alex, the mastodon.radio mascot

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Ghosts in the Airglow: https://www.ghostsintheairglow.space/about

This is a pretty fascinating #radio idea!

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This PDF guide “Transmitting on QO100” looks useful: http://www.oe8hsr.at/blog/?p=448

There’s a lot of fun Es’Hail-2 stuff appearing, going to have to dive in at some point.

(via: https://twitter.com/MeltdownCore/status/1108470095200862209)

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Mistakenly tried to crimp the solderable centre pin of a BNC connector. Ruined my expectations by reading about amphenol connectors and then buying cheap ones! 😭

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I found http://flaws.cloud/ fascinating. A look into the complexity of AWS and the security mistakes you can quite easily make. #security #cloud

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If anyone in the UK is looking for some cheap #hamradio gear there’s 15% off electronics on eBay today: https://www.ebay.co.uk/b/Ham-Amateur-Radio-Equipment/4670/bn_1631638?rt=nc&LH_BIN=1 up to £50 discount.

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Hoping to catch the SpaceX Dragon splashdown: https://www.spacex.com/webcast should be in a bit!


The Dragon 2 capsule landing in the Atlantic Ocean. There are four parachutes at the top of the image, the sea near the bottom, and the dragon capsule landing in the sea. There are two small boats heading towards the capsule.

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Great to see that 2W0KPF (@Powyssafety) managed to get his exam venue sorted. Looks like his plans for a mid-wales foundation course are coming along nicely.

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WSJT-X 2.0.1 to macOS was re-released due to some speed and stability issues:


#hamradio #amateurradio

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Just had a first play on 2m FT8 with my new FT818ND. Max distance so far is 138 km, not bad with 5 watts.

Of course now I want to replace my 2m feedline with something better than RG58 and check everything’s watertight.

#hamradio #amateurradio #ft8

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Just caught some of the SpaceX/NASA Dragon docking webcast. Totally mind blowing (albeit slow) action and a successful dock! In a couple of hours they should be able to open the door and go in.

A view of the Dragon capsule from the ISS. The capture is a round white object in top right, and a small indistinct second of the ISS in in the bottom left. The capsule has a bulge on top, which is the open nose cone, and several small apertures in a ring, which are part of the docking system.

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